TDBB Sister Cities Platform

Our Goal

TDBB Sister Cities Platform has been established by Union of Turkish World Municipalities as a result of both the necessities in the on-going practice and also the workshops made on the subject. It provides local governments form active relations via the profiles they create and thus strengthen the cooperation between cities by bringing them together; the platform also includes updated informative and directive data for the usage of local and international local governments.  

What does Sister Cities Platform Do?

The local governments which become free members of the platform (in three languages-Turkish, English and Russian) can have access to the profiles of other members, search on “Sister Cities Atlas” and establish sister city relations. Besides, with “Announcements” and “Events” sections their international recognition increases and they can develop cooperation potentials.The statistics that are prepared with the collection of the data the members enter and other technical information (related institutions, regulations, legal processes and etc.) are open to all members.


Membership to TDBB Sister Cities Platform is totally free of charge. The Platform is essesntially designed for the access of local governments. For the membership of Local Governments/ Municipalities, it is necessary to fill up the form on Other related/stakeholder institutions which are not Local Governments/ Municipalities but want to have access to the data on the platform can fill up the form on

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