Sister city concept is an important tool for the cities that want to develop applications and find mutual solutions. In the same time, it is an important tool of flexible and horizontal management concept. In order to have successful sister city projects, it is important to have in mind certain points. Half a century of sister city concept has proven us that those cities which are taking care of these matters are sufficient and have a quality. Having this knowledge in mind, we believe that guidebook prepared by the Union of Turkish World Municipalities on the subject of sister cities will serve as a guide to all municipalities.
► While choosing a sister city, it is important to take into consideration factors like historical aspect, demographic structure, cultural values, urbanism, geography and sectoral features.
► In the process of choosing a sister city or the process of implementing a mutual project between two sister cities, it is important to take advises from a Non-Governmental sector, local organizations, municipality unions and international organizations, instead of bureaucracy.
► This is the reason why, if there is a plan to make a sister city in the areas of Balkans, Central Asia or Caucasus, it is important to ask the Union of Turkish World Municipalities to coordinate the process, as the Union focuses on above-mentioned geographies. For other regions, interested sides should ask for the help of organizations like UCLG-MEWA, Sister Cities International, CEMR, Eurocities.
► In the relation of sister cities, mutual interest should be defined. There should be an idea why sister city relation has been started between the two cities. 'The purpose' should take place in the protocol part through some mutual project or in form of ‘area of interest.’
► In order to follow or improve the process, municipalities should form ‘a sister city unit’ or communication office, which will be run by experts and volunteers.
► Communication and projects should not be limited only to heads of municipalities or municipal councils, it should include society as well. The relation must be socially visible. Sports clubs, schools, set of different sports and hobby organizations, Non-governmental organizations and business people should be encouraged to implement new projects and to join the existing ones. Society must be informed through media channels about the activities of sister cities. In order to communicate with the citizens about the existing problems and the solutions in the city, environment for interactive dialogue has to be developed.
► Especially schools and youth should be included in the process. Long term personal relationships should be developed. Beside the youth, projects that would include teachers, families and other school members should be developed. For example; to have a mutual class in two different schools from sister cities via the internet, student/teacher exchange programs, youth camps, letter friendships, projects on social responsibility and etc.
► On implemented projects, current issues like (environmental problems, human rights, development of peace and democracy, social integration, urbanism, football and etc.) should be followed.
► New opportunities and technologies should constantly be followed through experience sharing
► In order to avoid the risk of dysfunctioning in the relations, especially when it comes to indefinite sister city relations, protocols have to be prepared on 5 years terms, and if relations are continuing have to be renewed.
► Large municipalities should be limited to maximum three sister cities protocols in a certain country, while other municipalities should be limited to only one.
► Tasks, like creating a database, inventory preparation and planning the budget, should be maintained in very disciplined manner. Local activities aimed at creating resources should be organized.
(A downloadable version of sister cities protocol sample)